Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Offee kingGods {ace. ----~----~~--~----· . wich God,heereveales his fecrecs to u~and histace, that wee may be rriadefriends with him, and then weegrow into further acquaintance with.him, and . they are therefore e1l'd the {ecretsof tht LorJ, be– caufc only revealedeo the Sa10ts. Serv.mrs indeed fee what is donein the houfe; but there are m:tny things which their mafl:ers reveale nnt to them: aod fo~comehereto the I-t)ufe of God , and heare what is fpoken of G o o and C a a I s T , but yet there are fame certaine fe c ~e: s that are hid from them,that are· told onely· tothe chHd~en, thefonnes and daughters of God : The other heareas m1.1ch and fee as much,for the oudide,as G~ds childrendoe, y_et the fecrer·~ of things are hid from them , and a– mong others, GDds[ttce; and the excellencies there– ofare hid.Jrom them. T his hee reveales (ashis o– ther fecrets) onely to tho[e that feare him, and this .revealing it is a fpeciall worke of the Spirit. If a man would fee the Sunn~;-all the Scarres in heaven _and torches in the earthcmlld not helpe biin·to fee .it or Chew it to him '• unleffe the Sunne it fel fefl1ines ·and arifeth, and there come·a light from the.Sunne ic felfe, ,you cannot come to fee it; and fo all the ·Angdls.of heaven and wits ofmen onearth, cannot thew yon Gods face, unle£fe hee opens the clouds and reveales· himfelfe by his owneSpirit, it will not bee done; w1• icb is therefore called the Spirit 1{ · RevelAtion, Epht{.x. 1 7· by which God·reveales his fecrers to hischildr~n,when heebegins to call them effettually, they fee him:mdnone elfe ; ·wee make ·knowne the Doctrines about Go D and'C ~ • 1 s T, &;. toall alike, bu~ theLord makes thedifference, by