Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

j OffukingGods face. . .J rhac ligh~ it is made fuch in his account: for it is one ' thing ro flee from thefiing of the Serpent, an other thing tohate the Serpent if felfe; and foto takeheed . of the Wolfe, becaufe of his cruelty, and to hate theWolfdt felfe, arediffering things. Ocaercrea– turcs may hate-the properties andconditions of a Wolfe·; but a Lambe only hates theWolfe it felfe. Now with this latter kfnde of humiliation there goes and is conjunet with it an enlightning, where– by God fhews to a man his Dwnegloriom fr:ct, the · 1uftre whereof hdpes him further to fee the foul– nelfe of Jinne. God by the fame light of the Spi· rir,whereby bee fuewes a man theuglinelfe of finne, difcovers withal his own exceUencies,whichmakes the finner thus humbled to feeke hiJ foce, to feeke grace, as well as mercy. Bm other men eitherfie 1JOI Gods face at all, oronely feoe his angry counte– nance ; onely thofe whom the Lordcalleth dfe(tu.. ally, fee hu gracio~ face. Now hee to .whom icis hid and fees it not , feekes not Gods face; for none can [eeke ir, unletfe they.have feene ir, and heewho fees it onelyasangry, flies from God 3 but bee dif· covers himfelfe to the truly humble, the fccrets of t.he Lord arewith fuch,Pfolm. 2 5. and fo I 5. I 5. IeaUyounotforvants, for theflrvAnt knowtth n~twhat · h~ Lorddoeth/Jut I have c•li'd JOU frientls,fn- Al things , Iliave heard if my Father) I hAvemadt kn1wne 11 Jifl. : Hee reveales hitnfelfe to tbofewho a.realready hj~ f, icnds, or to thofe hee is about to make his friends; one ofthe fi rfi tQings bee doth, is toreyeale his face to them : With men indeed , men are fidl: made friends,and thcafecrets are revealed; but comrarily K 4 with f i