Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

r I 140 Of Gods face. ' r--heh()wne'mifery moft, andthat ifthey fhould ap– ply themfelves to other things a~ remedies, they ihould bee flil~ to feeke, forthereis a vanity i.a .all things; and if tO themfelves, that they canaot helpe chem[elves in trouble : therefore they judge they mun 'goe to the mighty G 0 D ) who isable to doe more than all , to rid them out ofmifery : and they .confider, that going to him they ihall have heaven bdides: and yet all this .while they confide~ not the LoRDs perfon:yet.thisconfiderationrnakesway, that Go D and wee maymeet andfpeaketogether; ic brings our he;trts t·Ogive way , that theL 0 R. J) may come to us{that I may fo fpeake , for before we are not to be fpoken with) itcaufeth us to attend to him, .tolooke upon him , to converfe with him, to admit him as a fuitor, and to bee acquainted w.ich him , and whilfi ':Vee are thus conyerfing with him, G o n reveales h1mfelfe ; and theQ being come to .~he knowledgeof him inhim[elfehy that his fpeci... - ''·<all light fpokenof afore,wee love llimfor himfelfe; then wee are willing to feeke his prefencc, .to feeke him for Otir husband, though all other things were removed from him. ·And now rhe match is made, and not till now ; and thenwee fo looke .upon him, that ifall thofc other advantages were takenaway, wee t:houldyet fti1llove him, andnot leave him for . ~n the 'wor14' ~t1d fo as ifwee fh-ould imagine hee would give us never fo m•.1ch, and yet with-dr w ·his .face., wee c.9uldnot bee ~t refi. -Before, if a ·m'Jnc9uldbut be affureq, he ili uld norgo to hell, and !hould.hav.e:creaturesand comforts about him; it would bee'enough to 3 but now-irisnot fo. Now