Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Offeeking Gods foce. N.ow if Go :o s countenance bee but clouded, if · any breach bee betwixt aman and God, bee cannot refi till it bee made up , and hee fee,his face againe. . YedHll afcer the match is made,t:here is.afecond · 2 ufe of pt:1ni£hmcms andrewards ; they are ufefuH, not onely to bring us in ~, but toconfirme us alfo in our choife; they ferve both as anIntroduction, and as an-helpe, when wee are come in, toc~nfirme us in our choice : As when awoman is married, lhee having this husband, I live in an houfe, well furnifheo, and I have many conveniences. 1en joy notonely my husbands perfon, but with many ad- :ditions. · So it is with us, though the Lo R n alone bee fufficient reward j fo as ifwee had nothingelfe,– wee would never goe backe of our choice, yet wee having many good things with him , it hel peth us in our love to him, and confirmes us in our choife : Thefe are then good additions, but not goodprin~ ciples and foundations ; and encourageus much if added, and pu~ to feeke the L o a n- for himfelfe, as the principall. So then as ciphers added to figures~ they helpe to make the num_ber greater} though ~f ' they ftand alone, they are nothing ; fo thefe; and though'they be not good leaders, yet they are good followers : They are as a go_od wind , that fills the failes , and fets the Ship forward with the greater fp~ed , when the rudder is once fet right, to fteere .to God alone. · . The ' thifd thing whereby I explaine w:hat is meantby. feeking Gods face, islo fieke 1he LoRDs Jte{en&e in oppofition toamans felfe, when a man Cone· ' : 3 . doth it with deniall of himfelfe , not ferving his own.e ' · .. ----------.;._-:--.-.:...--~--"