Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Offeeking Gods face. mans felfe j what is it b~1t to feeke a mans owne good? . . · Aman is cornmanded not to kill himfelfc,. br tO hurt himfelfe , and by the·rule of contraries hee is rhc:reby corn rrianded to f~eke the prefervation of him(elfe, and his owne good: For as .when we ex- ' pound the commandement Thou fbalt mt kill, as {up– pofe thy Neigh~our , wee fay it includes thisaffirma– tive command, thou ilult feeke the good of thy neighbour; fo when wee expound it of onr felves, wee are to underfl:and it as noc onely forbidding us · eo defiroy our [elves, but ascommandingtopre· fetve our [elves, and to feeke our owGe fafety. It is imp0ffible for the tre~ture, not rGwiU its . q~qehappine.lfe; the Lotd ·doth not comman·d that which is ftrnp.Iy impoffillle ·eVttl t'0 purenature:. but ' it is the nature of everything that hath un app·etire, ttppeten hDnum fibi, toddire that which is g-ood for · ic Ldf@. . · . 1 · Sdfe-love. is a plant of God-s owtre plan:ring; and ~herefore not to bee rootedup : God.did put , ic into us all, for itisthe nanwe of ev~ry tl;Iing to do ' Co, ~and op~n-at-ur£ eft~pmattthtJru ttat~rce. . - ~~ny motives which theS·criptureufttn-alfe ra. · ~en frotri fdfe-love ., as t'hathf "CH Rl -s T· , (t'M'e him ~hat cAn c.aft b'8r'b IJody •And [auk irtto hrll : And fo· when it prornifeth us· a Kingdome. The Scrip– ture qeales ~ith men: ~by wbrking uponthis ~rinci· . ple; apd.byar~~ments taken from·our felves.· Th}s 1 is the care which the holf Ghoft ca·k$ hnld of, and leades a man intothe wayes-·of peaceby, and wee m.ufl not pluck off this eare. · , The · 3 4 ---~- ------------------=~----------L---~t