Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

.j "· 141 1 Gods face. -- owne ends i~feeking the Lord, but gives up himfelfe eo.the Lor4 alone . In all things an unregenerate mm cloth not know the Lord , is not an}uJintc-d with him, and therefore will n_ot preferre the Lord to himfelfe: but fl regenerate man that knowes·him reckoneth all things,as life, liberty, riches &c.· but as drolfe and dung, fo hee may enjoy the Lord: ·bee hath fet up the Lord for his God, inhisheart, and de.fires not to fiand upon his owne bottome ; 3~d therefore when the Lord comes into competition with himfelfe, and the matter is betwixt Godand his credit, &c. bee is willing to deny himfelfe : oGjttl. Butherethegreatobjecrion is, how it is poffible for a man , not to feeke his owne happine'ffe, faf~ty and advantage-: This troubles many, andmakes them think their -ftncerity but hypocrilie, and may put a fcruple into , the befi: I will therefore clcare this for their £1k@s whofe he~uts areupri·ght, as alfo toexclude thole whofe hearts arC! not found. vfnfw. : Theanfw:er fiandsupon.thefetwo points. · Firfi:, it is true that a man may leek~ arid Jove himfelfe, an~ de(tre h,is owne happine~, yea and all his actions may take their rife from thence ; fo as to bee moved infoeking the Lo R n, in doingwhat he doth with arefped to his owngood and fafety,and thatthis is fo> take thefe reafons. I Becaufe God bath commanded it, forhee ,bids us l1ve 9Uf' neir,hhtJur teS cur ftl'lJts ·: where it is taken -for granted, that -weemuft love our felves, becaufe loving our fdves is made theprima menfort~, the rule of loving our l'leighbour. Now to love a mans