Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

-Offtek.i~gGods{ace. ! fon, becaufehe is holy; for ifhelhould not refpect himfelfe, hee lhould ~ot be ho'Iy. SoRom.x r ·33· to the end. ·The ApolUe having fpoken of this re– jection here prophecied, condud~s with this; His Indgements are unfear&ha6/e, tmd hu waies pajl find- · ingont, &t·. of him, Andto him, and throuzh hitNare . 4/l things, and to him hee glory for e'f1~r. As ifhe lhould have faid, God bath done all .this, but I know not the reafon of it, nor aayone elfe ; onely God is for himfelfe, for he being of no caufe bot himfelfe, therefore he maydo all for himfelfe·: if . he were of another, he might doe all for another, . yea elfc he were not holy. Now if this be Gods holineife, then theh~lineffe ofman, istodo all for God.;_which he is therefore todoe, becaufe heisof another caufe above himfelfe, and therefore is to .feeke another end .above himfelfe, namely, the . .Lord ; and theri he is faid tobe holy, when Irehath ·no eye to himfelfe,but to God, when ia·his recrea• . I .tio'ns, the ufe of riches,&t . and iA wholecourfe' '· he hath this eye and ay·mewt 'God, and not-him. feife• . The nat~re of holineffe is exprelfed in ~wo things: Firfi:, inpureneffe: Secondly, Cequefir~tion to God,. fo that holineffe, pur-ity,and <i:hallity-are much alikeas it were, as there is alfo much affinity between the Greek words ;,-;uo~ and: ei;;-v~~ : · Chafiity, ~n a. ·Wife .Aands·inkeeping.cld{{t .to,her ·n~_sha·rfd; and being,fequefired from all0tker; and Gods ho~· linefle conLifis, :fi.rft in the pureneife.of&is nature, ~nd fecondly in a!equefiration ofall things tohim~ felfe : Now out' holinelfe is not fo, but wee being _ ·· L4 · . . ot . .[ ~