Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'. I ._.. --- ~ - - OffeekingGoJsface~ of another caufe, wee mull: doe all for another end·; our holineffe fiandS.therefore in giving up our · felves to the Lord: therefme fayes E[ay-, 1 SAni1ijie theLord, and make him JONr dre~td; as if he had faid, ifyou make any thing elfe your dre~d, y·o'u doe not fancrifie,t,heLord. What he fayes offeare,is true of all other affections, and actions: ·holineffe d€dicates all unto the Lord : and fome acrions are holy for the fubll:ance of the~, as Prayer, keeping the Lords day,&c. and.allfuch-immediate dcities ofhis worlhip, fome by put~ing a right endupon them; a.nq fo a-Il attions may beholyof what kindfo e– ver, as recreations, which are comq-ton attions, and eating and drinking, all which when done ·to the Lo,rd,~oebecomelioly. It is the nature ofmorall aCtions to· take their fpecification· from theircir. 'cum fian-ces, efpecially their end; more then from ·the fubll:ance it felfe : and fo all fuch·common alti• .ons. m~y bee holy to-tae L o· ·R D, and fothat place()fSaint Ptter is to be i.mderf.l:ood, heh'oly in11/l manner of cqn~erfillion, I Pet. I. inall the turnin~s of your lives, ev~n in C<;>m~nactions, this being the nature of hohnelfe ' 10 thegenerall, both as in God and in oura~ons. ' . '· There is>le holinelfe required in every . man•. Agiving up amansfelfe to theLord, as 2. Cor. · 8. 5• T~eyftrjl (j~isfaid) gt~vet·hem(elv.e:suptothe Lord. Togive a mans felfeup as aSacrifice to·the Lorsf, that is, the holinelfe ofa·man )~md when·any thing.-is fac-rificed, ic is givenup to the ufe ofthat Lord, to.whom it is facrificed. · : :. . - ~-" The . ·-·