Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Offee king Gods face. as another cloth, though fuch a nun dorh carry the faire femblance of a Spouf~, yer all rhis he doth i ·comes fron.'l the affection ofan harlot. TheVirgim, they lovethee. The Virgins love his perfon, love him for his names fake_, the perfon1ll beauty thu is in him, and for the r~eetneff~ of his love, verfc: 5. Thy l~ve i4 better then wine. - This p<:>ynt wc:ll underftood will eomein among you as ame!fenger fro:n the King of Kings, to all you of the bedchamber of t~e Bridegroome, ma– king this inquiry,do you love him~ are you harlots or Virgins~ andwill make every one to conlider,to what end have Idone all, have l knqwne the Lord, and beene acquainted with him~ havc1{ought Gods f~Zceinall that I have done~ But men will be ready to fay, we doe feeke the Lordsf~ce, Therefore I will give you rules to di– lHnguiih, and to helpe men to difcerne whether ·they (tela theLordor no. Confider what opinion thou hall: ofthy felfe. ,Ruler. Every man tH-at is regenerate, at his regeneration changeth his opinion of himfdfe, as Saint P.1ul; Rsm. 7. It it no tongep I, but ftnne. Before he was regenerate, finne was hirnfdfe ; but now there was .a new Lord come into the houfe,thatrenewed..feJfe) the regenerate part ; and that which before was wholly himfelfe, henow fpeakes of as one crept in, .as of an inmate, that fhould not be there. Now if thou reckondt the regenerate part thy filfe, then thou hafl fought the Lords prefence : for that part is thereby firengthened. The perfeCtion of this felfe ftands in conjunction with the Lord, and fo .$Z 4 .... ........,_ ·- " -·- ·'""--- =4-&k~( PW p ie ... ; .