Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

156 1 Offeeking Gods face. ----------~--~~--~------------ (eekes him; if not, but thou accoumeft fleiliiA thee rhy felfe, it is impoffible thou ihouldefi feeke God 1 aright, for God and it are contraries: A regenerate man fays) let me have God, and what ever I lofe, whether life, liberty, yet my felfe is fafG ; he con- .fidersJl:ill chiefly, whet her doth this tend to the fafety of my fdfe or no ~. and though he is contenr, and would have the outwatd man dowell too ; as / if I have a fa ire houfeto<;fwell in, ·I would have it fafe; yet if it be fer on :fire~{ is no great matter, fo long as my felfe is kept fafu..- -- Tal~ a man who bath cloathe~ on, ifhe can keep his cloathes whole, it is well ; but ifthey be rent,he cares not,fo his bo– dy be fafe ; fo where the regenerate part is The felfi, ifthe outward man can be kept fafe,it is well, · he had r;lfher have it fo ; but however fo the rege– l'}f:ra~_e 'part be fafe,_ he cares not much ; for he ac• :Otints it but as the of his cloathes :but take another man, that as yet is no other then he was borne at firfi, into whom no new man is come to dwell, he thinkes thns with himfelfe, fure I muft not d~firoy _!11Y felfe ; I would keepe a good con– fcience, but not fo as to defrroy my felfe·; and it is .impoffibie that what a man reckons himfelft", he lhquld fdfer robe defiroyed : therefore when dif– credit, imprifonment, &.c._comes, all thefe are reckoned wounds given to himfelfe', he lets God goe to defend and ntve himfelfe harmeleife. All th;s difference comes from the difference ofopi1 nion, that a man hath ofwhat is himfelfe. f2.!!ep. But ~;low iliall I know what opi nion I hav.e ofmy fdfe-: Confider . •;:- . ' ,.. - . - .