Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

.. Offeeking Gods face. Confider wherein thou ddirefi to exct!I, ;tlJ . things ddire ro have that .excellency, which is proper ·to themfelves ; every creature de-fires to build up it felfe. Iftherefore thoudeftrefi: to ex- . 1 cell in things th:ubdong to theoutward man, to build up thy felfe in learning, et edit and wealrh , andoutward conveniencies, then thy outwJrd man and Rdh is thy fdfe : but ifthou fcekefi: an inward excelle~cy, not caring for mans day,but feeking to have the praife ofGod, the comfort of a good con– fcience, and affunnce of f.:tlvarion; then it is a figne chou reckone:fi the inward man thy fdtc. Confider whtre thou .laiefi up thy treafure : .'doeft thou lay it up in the regenerate part, and en– . deavourcft to make chacricher, and every Jaycar– riefi fomething into that chdl: ~ then thou councdl: · rhac thy felfe : f~r where tba treA(ure is, there the he4rt u alfq• . When a man ·llull be thus ~ffeeted, that though he hath troubles abroad in the world, and decayes in efiate, as in health, yet fo long as he find his.regeneratepart fafe,and thriving,and ltand– ing in good cearmes withGod, he applaude~him· · felfe. ,As aman whenhis h'oufe is broke open, he · · prefemly runs to his chefl:,wht:rehis chide treafure Iyes, and if that befafe, ·he thinkes a.ll is·well! but if thou laieft up thy tr.eafure in the outwardman,an heapeof outward things ; fo as when thefe things are gone,thou reckoneft thy felfeundone ' : it is cer~ 157 A»{W.I , taine, thou makeft cfuat thy felfe. This was the: cafe of HAmalf, NAbatand 11. &hitophel, &c. and of\ all carnall men, whofe };)e~rts muft needs finke, when OLltward thiQgs leav~s them, or if they be '"'- . . . p•.lt ·~-------~---------------------~-------~~~----. \