Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Offeeking Gods fau. -rence runnes along through all actions. Two men ~hac goerogether in the fame way, may have a dif– ferent journeys end, Zacb. 7. he fpeaking b®o-f che Feafts andFafi:s of the lewes ({wo as i{oly du~ \: ties as any other) verfe 5, 6, 7. fays, hu1 diilyet . them at all to me (fays God) but to rc;tcroe out of Captivity ! So Ho{. to. 1. therewasmuchfruit Jonnd in Ifr~~el, yet becaufe they llrought it forth t1 . )bemfllves; not to theLord, thtrefore I(rtzel iscaUeJ ~:411 empty Yine. Acarnall manand a. regenerateman ~ differ· mainely) in this; that acarnall man, when ;;he is to doe any thing, aske what good <vill this :.:bring tome -: what profit, what credit thallI have · ·.bydeing it -:ifnone, he layes it afide : but agodly . ' "'man (fo farre as godly) : asketh this queH:ion, whether it is .c,omm:mded by God -: is it for his .glory.and adv-antage -: ·.Whentherefore thou corn· ·melt to preach the Gofpell or fiudiefi, confider thine end, whether for God or no c: confider alfo . what thy in thy trade, . oranycivill action, . and judgeby that. Butisa man bound to feeke God in every thing1 · . .n. . may he have norefpechohimfelfe · , fl!!JJ"· · The end mull: £till be better then that whic-h · tends to it~ and that therefore which is the chiefeil ·, An{w. .. good mall: be the chiefell: end ; and tmleffe thou ·' mlk~ll: God better then all things elfe, thou doefi: · notmakehim.thy end, northy God. Againethe end commands all, is mofi perfect, and compre-· hends all the reft, and that alfo is proper to the · L o a D · alone, this cannot bee faid of any man' . or creature, .ami therefore ,God alone i)_ tobe made \ thy end. Bm_. _,_,... . _ _. re · < ._;:_:_q tit et~a:- ;w_.,. ;c:ac;; --~ . :p, ·' ·· ,..._