Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

t6o Gods face. Jl.!!J/1. But may not a man make his owne ha·ppindfe his end, and doe what hee doth for his owne per- : feCl:ion ~ · <.Anfw. A man may and alwayes.doth fo, and that upon necefficy, as hath beene faid; onely-this, ' there is a · dot ble end; the one is the thing it felfe which aman m,1kes his end, the mher is the bene~c or fruit corn. methby the atta'ining ic. So that happineffe is that fweecneife, that followes all ends,- even ~is the fua'. dow doth the body; fo then the qLiefii()n is, what that thing is, which thou feekefi this happinelfe from,for that is it which is thy maine end; whether dodl:'thou think thou canllmake thy felfhappy by thofe riches and plea[ures which for thy felfe thou · aymefi at 1 or doefl:'thou Iooke for all t:hy happi· I ndfe from the Lord alone 1 That·which aman ,' '..._ I Iookes for his happinetfe from~ that a man makes his chiefefi' end ; if from God, then aman i11akes God his ut moft end, foas his owne happineffe is but the fruir that -arifcth .out and accompanies his feeking him. · · · · ~eft. But may nota man providefor hirnfdfe ~ <.An(w. True, but thus· ;. whereas all that a mans mind~ is to bee raken up about, is either worke or wages:, if itbeworke, thou mull doe it to God alone whofe fervant t'hou art; if it bee ntatter ofwages (as a~ rhe things beloilging to thy name~ - efiate) .thefc ih like 'manner thou art to looke for from :God a~ ' l~ne. All a mans iinploymem is·takeq :up eitherih doing all for ~od, or receiving all fromGod:: an~ ifany m1n were··apetfect ferva:mro anorhe r' rn,:m,h~ then ought tohav~ an eye onlyro·his Mall:er'inma:·t~ ·- rer _ .... ~· ~ .... ... _ ...... ...