Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

f _ 161 J · God$ (ace. an eye to the world and himfelfe, pardy to Go D , , hee is as one dHl:raetedbetweene two wayes; hee knowes·not whichtorake, he is uHjldble like a dnm-· ken man that lbggers inall hee d'oth, beingnowon one fide, now for Go o : andnow on anorher fide, . for himfelfe : and fo his wholebDdy u d~trke, that is, his whole ·converfarion' is.wicked, asodng out of his way; hce fed no: a right p~th to wa.lkc in, hee hath 'not a right fcope whither he lhou1d tend, bee is not able to feea right objett; bur goes hirher and thither, from onerhmg to:tnorher, is unHable ill' all his wayes. . ·OPj-ell. But yen will fay, the hoHe!l: man that is hath fome eye to himfelfe in hisattion~ .. \../111{w. It is one thing,. when a man hath chofcnthe LoR Das hisetrd,a:ndthatwa~rPratlea&es_r6nim, ·thotJgh hee wavers in it.) and mit-ftrh fomewhat of rhe evenneffe of his wayes, and bath falls in it; and another thing, robediftraeted betweenerwoways, fometimes choofing orte way, fometim~sanorhetr, as a catna:llman doth. One that is refolved to goe in this way rhot1gh with muchuncvemrelf~ mayfall , and have many mifi:akes in the w2y, hee may have , 1 roo many lookings to him[dfe, but yet hee hath !Chofen theL6 R D and fotlowes him, ana ehis is·th€ ;difference bet.we~ne him and the other who hath · :cwowayes,. and is di!l:raered berweene them. · .·.ft!!lfl. · But now rhe maine q uefiion·is, hawlhall wee ' , ·knowwhether: wernakecheLoa D. our ut moll: end j ,v1nfw.J or ~h~re .are thefe rules may hdpeyou in it. . : /tuft r. The urmoft end gives rules to·a mans whole life;, all ·. ~~------------------------~~=-----~