Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638 Gods face. all Oth.~r ends doe it but in particular atl:ions, and but at fuch and fuch atime, becaufe they ate but particular ends: but the utmo!t end doth command all in aman , all his wayes and actions ; therefore then thoumakefi: the L o 1l » thymmoft end, when inall thyactions whether publikeand private, thou - looke!l: to the L o l'l o : and in whatfoever aman doth, in all thofe refpeets and relations hee !l:anas in , whether hee be aMJgi!l:rate or a prixate man, . whether they be bulinelfes or recreations, if Go o bee amans end, his eye will ftill bee npon the Loan in all : Nowhee that dothnot n1ake Goothushis ut-moll: end,may finde that bee hath fome fecrec by~ wayes of his owne, fome fecr<:t motionsdiffering and contrary to God,wherein hee goes, (as the pla– nets that have amotion of their owne Jthough it isnot open to the world,unknowne perhaps to him· fdfe , or not knowne at all times; but theutmod end commands all; and leaves nothing out, but the leafi: attion is fubje6t to it. t6; The utmoft end limitsall the meanes, and fets 2 RNle. them their bounds , but is not bounded it felfeby · any :finis prefcri6it mtdia, {eJipfifini nonpr.e.{cribilur. It fayes,_ thus farre you!hall goe, and no further; but there are no limitsfet to theend itfclfe: As the - mafier- builder appoints every man his worke · 1 ·and they goe fofarre as hee appointsthem; and no fur– ther; as ifhea.lth beea mans end, itfets limirsto alJ rhe meanes hee ufeth, to meat, and' drink, andphy- · ficke: Looke what cond~ceth to tbat end, ne cakes fo much anm no more. But there are no limits fet ro·hca1thjt felfe, hee can never have.toomuch ef M 2 health.