Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

,.---------------=------ f 0 f Godf foce. 1 6~ confider bow thou art affeCted ortrouhled about it; when the adionis done~ fuppofeic beeabufindfe· that both fo.r the matter and manner was forthe L~rd: but when it is done, what is it thou artgrie-· ved an' is it ~bat thou haft got fome difcreditto thy felfe in the performance ·of it -: or that God hath had no ,more gloryby it -: are·thy affeCtions troubled, that thou ha(l offended God in it, that gone .from God in it, or rather that fomething is gone from thy felfe-: thus by examining how thy affedions areoecupied about the thing when done, thou mayefl: difcerne thy ut'mofi: end. Is taken out of 2. Phi/. 2. I. I hA'IIe no "''"' lilee minded, fDr AN[eeketheir1wne, andnotthnhings of le– { 114 chrifl; thAt dsth Nlltnrally tAke &Art f8r ,~. Confider whether thou feekefi: thine owne things, · or the things of I 11 sua C u 1\ 1 s T -: ·and that whe · the~ naturally, as the word isthere &c. ')'V»uttV~. that is, as his owne bufineffe, to feeke amans owne, and to doe~ thing naturally is made there in that place a1 one. · Confider whether thou feekell: tbe things ofchrijl ;~s naturally as thine own, andwhether that be done or no, .thou wilt find by thefe three things. . Firll: aman will goe about what heedoth wil· · Jingly, when amanbathabufineffe of his owne to doe, he doth it willingly, and beates his headabout : i~)and isexceeding folicitous,but when the bu,fine ffi- ; is another mans, heegoesabout ir, it inay bee, be : caufc hee fees it ~nnft bee done, and there isr.eafon , for ir, bu,t fiill ,hedo~hhis owne in another manner; ' and thus willingly doe the Saints doe the Lord's bu \ .fineffe: fee it in Saint 1Aut, R1m. 1 s. :& o. Te4 fo h4ve I · · M 3 jlrivtd S' Rule. I