Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

t64,g·GoJs face. health. So then confider what it is givcs·bcm1ds tb · thy courCe, tl:lat thou fayeft when thouarr come to fucha pi, eh~ thus farre will I goe, and no furrher; i hee thac makerh himfelfe his end, will bee·fJreto 1 have 10 holindfe of fuch limits as 01all not lofe him· ! his great friends nor hisefiate; he wil'l goe fo f1rre ' till ir come to hurt himf~tfe; him[dfe being his ' ·erid. Therefore. hee limits bis holineffe, hee fiayes in fuch a pitch or giv(s over)budfGod bee his end, . he thi~kes bee can never have enough of God and of ' holindfe,and though his actionsofholindfe and for " wardndfe therein over-runne his credir, overthrow his efiate, yet he~ cares. not, for ic is not his end to preferve himfelfe,or that which belongs·to himfelf· r Thou ill1lt · know thy tirmoll: eod, by a fecret · 3R11le. fence which accompmies everyae?:ion thou doefi: if thou narrowly lookeft to it; for that is the diffe· rence betweene maa and other creatures ; that a I man can looke backeto his owne adiot:Js, fo that if thou wouldell: aske thy hear·r,what is thy fcope and ' pJrpQfc in this.orthat aCl:ion ~ there is a fecret fe ce · accompanies the action, in -thy heart , ithatwould .difcover it. Confider therefor in·any·bu{ineslthou ' doeft,why thou doell:ir1 why thou undertakefi: it? why thou. art at fo much paines ftnd coll: in ic ;: ' Aske thy hearr, is it forthe L.ord;or for thy (elfe <: ( if that will not dif~over it to thee, looke>'to the r circumftanccs, tothemannerof doing·it,. as~hy doe I fuah a mann·er; and pray in futh a ! .manner~ whydoe I.doe it thus an~ thus, · and not in a better manner r:- 4Rule. If this will not doeir, Iooke to thyaffecrions ~ . · confider;: l