Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638 God:rface~ not knowne who isthe mall:er of the fenant of oh~ ofthem that f.ollowesthem both, tilhhey parr, . fo wbeFuhy credit and Gods glory goe together, it is nor knowne for which of them thou doell:it; .but there are times when our owne and the Lords bufi.. o ~ffe will be feparated,and thea cqnfider what thou doell) is it fo, rhat beqmfe thma art nor rhe firll: in a bufindfe., thou wilt.doe nothing at all~ or if thou ilia not be feene in it ;·iris a fig ne thou-doefi: it for rhy {elfe, . and ll (O!>t for the Lor-d: when two men are to carry a beame into a houfe, if both firive togoe in:firll:, they carry it iri acrolfe ; whereas ifrhey w.a:Jid be content to come one afrer theother,it . w.guld goenght i_nr; fo ofrengreat workes both for Church ,-and .State, might be done that are rhus hindred, or are c-arried ·Grolfe, becaufe m·en are not willing.that others 1houldgobefore them. Confider therefore thefe things ferioufly, and bring them home te your hearts ; for to what end doe wepreach ~ that y9u might lcnqw thefe things onely, (that ma~es onely for ynur further condem. nation, and yoti had better never tohaveknowne them): but.we preach them that you might lay them ro heart : take therefore fome time ro·confi– d~r thefethings, and ,if you have found your [elves failing inthis,-be not yet difcouraged, but labour to : c make your heartsperfett for time to come, thus to · :feeke the Lord alone. · · To.exhort ro which (which is ·the-next ufe I . make of it) , .and·.to quicken you to this, confider· what great reafo_n, there is thou·fhouldefi fe~ke' the Lord ltfJu., .'and not thy felfe. Confider what ties ,. and