Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Offeeking Godsface~ ,. and bonds are-upon thee towards him~ the bargaine between him and rhee is pJfl:. . · I wiUaske you fidl whofe ftrvant art thou~ ·and lhouldnotrhe fervant feeketheprofie ofhis mafieJ. ~ if a man .fees of llteepe, and he as·kes whole iherpe are thefe-: fayes another to him, fuch a mans; for he hath bought and paid for them: and harh nor Chrifi bought thee -: and bdides this his firfr buying ofthee; whogives thee thy wages, and provides for thee, meate)drinke, and cloath ing ~ and is raere nor reafon chou fhoulddt ferve him a– lone ~ - Then,.. ifrhou .bedl:·perfedly a fervam (as thou a_n) thou doefr wrong .tO'the Lord, if thou doell: not ferve him•'· Againe fecondly, I 3ske thee who 'is thy hu_s-· band '!. Is nor the LDrd Iefm? and if thou bee!l his wife,oughtdl: thou not to feek his things~one that is unmarried is yet her own; bur when ilie is married, lhe is her husbands.fVhm thtre wm no [( ing ;n I(rael, every mAndidwh4t w~t~goodinhiJ IWnttyes : and if rhou ~ad'fi no husband, no King, fo might ell: rbou.; but thou art· not tui ·juriJ, the covenant is paft al~ ready:,thouart not now ro choofe; if thoufaye!l no, confider that when thou weri: baprized, ' ic was into cbe Nameofche Lord, andrhatby way of ·a vow, · whiah,is an invocation wich a curfe, rhat is the na- ' rure ofa vow: If thou fayefi yea, but I~ was you''g : . then, I but fince thou commefi to yeares ot difcre– don., thou ,hafi: not difcb imed ir, but confirmed it :· in th-e S:Icrament ofthe Lords Supper, receiving it I ofren, and the~efore thoucanfr O'Ot recall it ; there– fore chat firfl: covenant the 1 made, i.t fi:ands good, as\ I