Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

s=c:w O[fet!ing .Gads face. Andfecondly, howmuch is t.heJe io rhat Won;I [Crucijed f~r ~ou?] we~r.e not.abl.e ~o.fear_ch into .the hejght, .aod, brecJrb~ .and d:epth of~his your •en– gagement untoChrifi. Hi-srbodily paine .waHh·e lealt thing in his .Cufferings : that of his foule was rhefoulc of ~~is (uff~t:ing.s: utty foate u . he~v.y unto -deAth, fayes he, when.the prdfure of his fufferings made him (wea~e drops of bl0ud_in-a cold nighr; · and yet ~thefe wer;e but ~h~ beginnings of his for1 rowes, which fell on ,bhn l:lpon:thetcroffe, ~hen He . · .c~ytdont, m~-GodWU God, wby -hr~ff ·t./:Jou'{arfaken rm ? . C'onliaer further;the eqLiiry.ofit; for didnot he.rhe 1 fame for thee,,whichhe requiFesoftheefor did not. ' l he .emp~y him(~lfel ofthat:eternall.glory and hJppi– neffe,, .whkh he ,enjoyed .witb his ;father and . m~ght have then epjQy~d '! -did not ·he.Inake·him . felfe makerh~.e ri_ch · ~-and wh ;:; t is it he ·calls-thee ro,qeny thy fdfe ,in ~ to forfa-ke a friend ·or.tw0 ~ .and to (om.e-difadvanr.age in ~hy weaith ~; 1 ,whiteashec:rnptkdhimfel£e·9f ,all·his_greJt glory. Is he not up-on :c;:qu~lhermes-wi~h thee, nay ·mofi unequall on.bisptart ~ ·if.he·e;Jlls theeto·beaPe the croffe.for him, didKnot aeb-earea-gvel tcr.croffe for ~ thee-~ [herefOJ.:e,f.,;yes .Cbrifi, R~e.Jhatfot(t~l:umt . . father tindmoth(r fqr.m(e, is11ot ~or.thy ,fJ(me, a!id not fir tocome imo rhenum.ber of mY'Difci p! es • .Lafily~befid€ls all this.(o.n lidcr:; it is bdhf0r-thy fdfe; which is tbeargr-rnent m;aveth menaboveall other :,for ifthoudoe it ·mot, thou t11alc de damned for it ,; an.d ifthou wilt, thoufhal~ provide forthy felfeabundantly ;but ifthouwift. needs favc t hy~ L·fc, thoufbalt.le{eit,ifth.ou wiltfaverhy ere 1 ir, libert y, · thou ! . f ' I ' ; ' •