Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

· ,.--~-?~o~- ~~----0-i.~fi-ee~ki- .~-G~o~~~fi~ac-e.=~- --~~ ----------~~~~--~------------ as marnages made l!mdeJi age; if when ..rhe parries are come to yeares·, they did not difclaime them they bold, and he being thy husband. Confider chat as adultery is worfe then fornication, theone being puni~t among the Iewes with death, the- o– thl!r but with ap~ cuniary muld ; fo the fins which rhou commitrefr in going after' orherlov~rsis worfe then ifa heathen manhad commi~ted rhe fame: he rhat was drczumcifed, Saint P~tt~ifayes, was bound w keepe the whole Law; and fo he that is baptized, and hath received the Lords Supper, is bound to -give up himfelfe to the Lord, as the Lord Chrifl: to • 1 him, and all things in him ; and fo the Saints of Macedoni4 did 3 'z Cor. 8-.). They gave them{elves up fir{I tQ theLord. . And if thou were not thus bound, yet he hath deferved it at thy hands ; and both thefe we find urged by the Apofile, I Cor, I. 12, 13. WMS4int P~tul crt~cifted for you, or were JQN /;4ftized intsthe name ofPA~I I thefe were men a~ong the Corit~thi· '!ns that did nG>t fee,ke Chrift alone in their profef– fing of Chrifi, for one WMfor P~Nl, andanotherfor ApoUos, 4not!Jerfor ccph¥H: bur (fays the Apoftle) is chrijl di'llideJ r if Chrill: indeed had been divided amongfr thefe t•hree)they mighthavefought them; but Chrifr fiands alone againfl: thenll all ; and there. for~ they were to feeke Chrifi alone : and he brings thefe two argmnents for it: I Becaufe they were hdptized inftl tbe 'l{_ame of Chrift, and not of Partl or any other: and fecondly, was P"ulcrucijied(oryou r that is, was not crucified <: And