Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Offeeking G&ds face. to Iooke upon the benefits themfelves, 'but chiefly ro this end., and fo as that they may !l:irre up your h.earts to lovehim the betcer, .1nd not limply as be– nefits ondy, fo as to fay in you ' hearts; though he . is monbeautifull in hi$ perfun;and fo though I had him alone, I iliould have an exceedinggreat reward ofhimfelfe; yet withall when I confider, that all wichin rhe compafie of this world is ~ioe, (~gre~at dowry) that Pttul, AndApdUor, 4nd aU the goud MinJ, flers thac_evrr havebeene, have beene for my fake, chat whatfocver is in this life or afrer death is all min~, and rha.c all ·thefeh~t brings with him (all whichyou ihould look~on, as motives entirely to , Love him:~and not as bare benefirs)and fay,harh not he given me: all th~:fe ~ fanctified m:e, and redeemed me, and fct me at liberty, when I was a bondflave : Q{ fitlne and Sathan; and have I tiot rc:afon tv love him-: rhis is to feeke his prefence.lcm1y berhough . · you h1ved m;therhing,yet:youhavenothadchis diltintl confideration; yet ufe ir: henceforth to heipc you: Saynot 1 I am inmifery, and there is a promiCe of pardon and adoption, but lool<e firft to the Lord Iifru,goe to him and take him. To convi~ce I you furtl1er ofrh is, there is noneof you bur will 1fay, I cannot befaved wichoue an holy converfari– ,on,andwhlt is rhar, but to convcrfe with God :tnd Chrifl~ all converfe is nmwith things,butperfons, · . therefore in an holy courfe, all that you have t0 do is with the Lord himfclfe, to open your hearts to him,. to. rerort to him for counfeH; to delight in him : to convc:rfe wi~ h a man is to deJle \Vith him upon all occafions; you :lre not ondy to looke unt:o ----------------------------~--------~--~i\ ·