Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

\ l ! ' I I . ~ I .f2.!!_ep. I A11[w. Of. Godf /ace. ~ _:,____~____;;~~...........----1 to, robe dealing \yith duties alone and privtkdges, _for then with whom'doe youconverfe ~ nqt with che L 0 R o, buc with notipns, with dut,ie.s and· your _li{lqes, buc your_chiefc:; bu(tn_eife)s w_ith ~re ·Lord maHthefe, and as meanc:s tq hHt;lg yoli to r.he Lord~ into -his prefence andt;IOto'his perfon: this is to walkewith GDdJS En~ehdid, ,which flill refpeels his perfon, fo-r fo walk,ing with impli~-s. . , . ·. . - , . : Againe, ,no nian can ,b:c: Caved wichout lov.e to God, andchlt lovemull: not beeAmor ctincupifcenti~e, bur amor ami&iti.e, a love of friend{hip j the one re· fpeds things, t~he other ,perfons :.yoiir love mufi firfi bee to rhe perfon~ and thento~ tlie commodities you have by him,and the.duries youare to performe eohim. . · · _ ' · . But you will fay, how lhali we do tob~ingour heart to· this~ thisis ex.c~ediog hard'·: It is eafie to feekethe benefits co·meby CH R 1sT; felfc:-love will caofe moll: todoe fo~ , Any man rhatneeds a . _thing,would fa~ne havehis wa.,ncs fiJpplyed. A _ m~n that is prell: with a.bunh.en, would williugly h:.we, ic takenoff: it is ealic eo have your dethes quickened this way. · What the'"efore fhall wee fay, tofet an edg up· on your aff~crions, ro feeke the 'Lords perfon ~ If ·wee had rhe tongue of men and Angells, all-wo~1ld b~e too little; therefore lee us befeech the Lord, rhat hee wouldbe his owne fpokes-man,andreveale himfdfe umo us. T,herds no;way to fee our hearts ' a worke to feeke his.fac~, hut by feeing ot hirri: and to helpeyou to a fighr of 'h1m, _is OQ.t in our power; · and