Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

. Of jPe/ Godr fac~. \. and yec heufech to docir, whilfl: wearefpeakingof! him in the mini fiery ofche word. It is faid Pjl/.9. They thAt kn1w liu r;,,;,e,wi/1 trrl}l irJ him :and as 'they · will truft in him, fo iheywillfuke hu fate. What · was the reafon vtbrahAm and c.MifeS(ought the Lord thus for himfelfe <: becaufe ih~y'had fcene . his face. Thus of UUDfls ic is faid, bee fpake with him {~t&e to f,zce. There are two waycs to lcnow a man;by report or fight,by heare-fay or by face, and this later way have all the Saints knownc him in fome degree, and · have therefore fought him, though Mojes in a more paniculumanner; yet all faw him. BenevDlentia G9od. wiN f.1yes l.Arij/ot/e, . may aril e from a good report, but v-Jmic;tia, Friendjhip·from fight and--acquaintance; that is, we may bearegood·wilto oneofwh9~·wehave onely heard a good reporr; but we ·doe n,at come to love him,imirely,and as friends tohin1,till we have feene ( him, and doe come to know him, and bee acquain-' ·red with him : Therefore though a man·have age– nerallknowledg~of him by heare.fay, yet he wilJ nor fec:ke his face, till bee hath fet nt him face to face, 2 C8r. 3· Nit. ·The Lords face appeares in– deed in the word,as in aglaffe, but yet till rhe veiJe bee taken away' we fee him not f!ce to face) there– fore in the firfiplac~, goe to Gcd and befeechhim, •md fay, Lord fuew mee thy face,reveale tpyexcel– lency tO mec, by thy fpirit of revelation, that my . heart may bee ftirred up to fet ke thee; ~nd will the . Lord deny you this requdt if yoJ..i doe fo ~ no, . ~ m•n·knowti' the Father hnt ihe Sl»nt, aTJ.i heetl . wk6m the S~nnt rtveales Him ; fayes c H R I s 't. ... ~ · There- \ 177 ,