Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

4 1. G_od affliEts bis owne People. Reaf.x. ' Firft; he fends fuarpe affiilt:ions on them becaufe he l<:>v-es them,they.arefuch·asbelong to him; and the ground-ofthis reaf<>n is, becaufe) !fa eft tam ex afPtJore quam exodio; Anger is as much out of love as hatred i it is a true rule though it may feeme a para– dox, becaqfc when one loves another, heedeftres much fron1 the p1rty beloved and expects-much fmm him, and therefore a crolfe and frubbonre acH.· on from fuch a one provokes more to anger, than from any other man zas from a Son, from a Friend,' from a Wife, it woundeth more ; ·and therefore . God faith<>fhimfelfe; that h·e·isajea!o!U'God: lea. loufte is a mixt affedfon oflove and anger 3 the mean. ing is, if I find my peoples affection fiealing out fromme, I am prefenHy affected, _as a jealous huf. band uferh to be in fuch a cafe, and there is no an– gerto that, nor n0ne fooner fiirred : Godwill in· dl:lrcten-times as much from another,butwhenone chat he-hath taken into covenant wi'th him, offends him, he is angry, and will therefore be fure to fend fome fuarpe afRiCtion on him, which is the fttlif of his anger, for his~nger-is not-in·vaine,. _Secondly.; hee doth itthat his Name might not hee h/4./}hemed, that was the reafon he gives, why. hec punithed DAvidwhen he committed adultery, for che Lord mull: of neceffity doe it fort heir fakes thar ftandby and lookeon, to !hew to them that he can • . not indure fuch things,-no not in his owne people. Thirdly, becaufe he hathfaid, that ne will hefan– Elifi~dofaUthat draw ntere to him, he will have them know that he is a~holy God, hating iniguity ·; and ·. 'chat none iliould draw nigh to him, but fuch as have holy.