Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

God af~iEls /;if Gwne People. holy hf~trts, and pure bands: and rhis was the reafon why he did {,nd fire upon Cfirah, Datban~tnd.A"i- :umo~6• ram; ·The,Lordhatkfoparatedyou, Andy(;udrAW ntare tD him(elfi,fairh:Mofes ro them, and that in thenearell: mar:ner to doe fervice ~s Pridb to offer Sacrifice, and you are among theheads of t-he people, and therefore.he will not forbeare you, others that are afarre off (it .maybee) God will long and farre forbeare,. but othersthat are fanctified to the Lord, and draw ncare to him in profcffio11and in the opinion of others, and alfo fo indeed, of thofe Go·d will either bee fanttified by their bringing holy · hearts before him, or elfe he will vindicate his ho– liridfe by,punilhi£1g them, andwill not fmffer them ro go on with prophane hearts. FONrth/y, bccaufetheyare his eespleam~ngwh1m i hte·wa1/us, and with whomhe dwels, :t Csr.6. and the three lafi: verfes, and the beginning C?f thefe. venth Chapter, he isconverfant among them; But y~m will fay, ishe noteverywh~reeife-: yes, but he is there as a man i$ in his owne houfe, among his fons a·nd daughters) obferving every thing, looking narrowly to them., andbecaufehe is frill with the111, therefore bee will endure no uncleannelfe among them: thenceit was that in the Campe he Comman~ d~d everyman tocarryhis paddlewith him, when he went afide to bnry it, that no oD(ward filthinelfe might appeare, for Iw4lk-eAmun:y"u, hee didit, to ; ~ewby that whic~·is odious tous, that wee fuould . htdewhat is odious tohim, namely :69, and filthi- , 1 neffe, which caufed him toloath his houfe,to/1ath ;. · Ifrael: when 1frael was fo ·unfwept and·fo filthy, .. B 3 .. God ,