Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Go& affli8s hi-s o'il7ne People-~ 9 againfr-~ him;and then to have almofl: all the people ' to fall froni him, when he was an old King, to have Concubines abufed fo openly, and che fword ne• ver to depart from his houfe ; all thefe fate clofetO . him, went neare his foule; befides his !lume,to have ,...~-- '"--~- ·· _,.,..- his fin difcovered to all the world, as appeares by · ·Pfol; 5-I •. Have not wee caufe then to fpend ou~time in fear", if hee dealt thus with David~and doe nor fay,tha't though he dealt thus wtth D:tvidoff~nding of ·him, that yet hewill n";)tdoc thus withme, for is he·not a F~ttherthat judgeth 11Uhis fonnes, an-d that without re(pei1 ofperfons, as the Apoffltfaith ~ - ·con. ftder alfo what he did to J,tcob andRebecca for con– fulting and agreeing to get the bleffiag by a lye, for though the thing £bee went about WJs goodand1 they had awarrant for ir, and their end was good; yet they ·ufed ill meanes (a lye ). Bat G o r> mec with thtlmbotJl for ir, .Ja"·ob was therefdre put to:live twenty yeares from··his Mothers houfe (whereas hefhoutdhave fl:aid Gods leifure, and noc have beene too hafiy for the accornpliilim.ent o( thatpromife,for he that beiieveth doth t:ot makehafte: ~ I 4 , ~ and fo God promifeth riches and all good things tethis'Children, as much as theycan defire, b:1t they _mufi not make hafre,that is their fault) and when he was cotnmitlg home againe, what a feare was hee put to fromE{au; thatlyeof his beingrhe caufe of their falling out! and how did Rebeccaalfo for all that while want thecomfort ofa fonne·fhee loved, andhad none to live with but Efau .-:·-And fo c.Mofei was clearer to ,God than any man upon earth, hec neverfpake:with any face to face as witlihirri, yet h it ~- ~--------------------~~~-- ~- ~- ~-e~~---~ - . _,oc. ,.. '>