Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

8 <' - . - God affliEJf buowne Peop?e. give an account thereof; afraid of recre:uions,·leafi he fhould 1L:epe too much, or lleepe·too link; eate too.much, or eate too little, as knowing all is but to whet the fiche remake him the fitter for his harvefl: worke, and therefore would be afr;~id to forbeare refre01mems too much orro ufe themroolittle. I befeech you therefore that are in Covenant wich the Lo rd,and neareft to, that ,know your [elves t?-. bee within the Covenant, to confider this-and le.arne to fea re. ,And to helpe you in this,take tw9 places of Scripture, 1 Pet. I. 7· Ifyeu c~li '"the FA– t her whojudgethw#hortt rej)ell ofper(Dns, ac&ording to . every mam worke, p4fe the timeof 1our{ojourning here in feare; that is, feeing you have fuchaFather that j udgech every perfon,. all hi~ - c;:hildren,,, he.will cer– tainely _. affi:~ you ~ ifyou offend him,; Therefore fearetodoit. Theother is~ Heb.I"J..'J.8,'l9• ·Letm ferve hjm with aUreverenceandgodly feare, for evm lur .Godil acon(umingfire,[our God] whomw~ wor– !hip. is not m·ade all of mercy, he bathmher Attri– butes j;>yned with them, ttJ.1DIJ.he is Jt con[Hmingfire; If'youwill not fcrve him with feare,though not im– mediately to .confume you utterly, yet to affliCt you, and thereby to confume youduUs; .foas it is a dang~rous thing to be_negligent ofhim, to meddle with him,who is a. confumingJire. HJw flurply did God deale with DavM; ·who . was_yet nearer him than any of us ; firfr he tooke a– way tpechild from him,\whrch to him was aflurpe ~fHi~ion, he being atender.:Father, and hada.,firong affe?t~on to his life; as app~_ares by hisJaftings, and ·· the like ·bee had ro A-b[olor~ ., who yet wa~~~li·~bell ·againfi