Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

' 11 God affli8s his oume Peoplt. men are the caufe of it, bur God he knoweth, nhat they.cannot pray and have no life in them, as you have~ and though.their iinnes alfo be acaufe~ and a , m1ineca-qfe, as app·eares by the <..Amorites, who[e Gnncs when full, God puniihed ; yet I fay they are yours alfo :'-And therefore, when thereisan evident iigne, that God hath- a controverfie with a King– dome and the Churches, and a.ligne of his wrath is proclamed from heaven, tnen every man mufi: doe fomething; nowfeare the Lord,bazealous, repent and.doeyour firfi: workes, begin now to.mend your pace to heaven: and yet would ondy there were a want of zcale among you, yaa is it not,·ifi·difgrace, · is not azealous man hooted ar, as an Owleamong us~ this place, the excellency of it is exceedingly a– bai:ed and eclipfed, the .zeale of it is withered, the Lord is departed from us; Iearne tobee more zea– lous, and God will rerurne and caufe you to flourifh againe ; for when Cod lookes uponapeople, it is 'with them as with the earth in fpring time, and when hee departs from them, they are as withered trees in. winter, a.nd where now is the.zealeof for– mer times, the Communion of Saints,, the hea~ing and whetting of one another, by~utuall exhorta– tions,; .where is the boldneffe for the Lord'? ThGfe holy prayers, thofe former ttmes aregone, the light of thofe times remaine, but not the hearc:, as alfo if wee 1ooke backe upon that·•Gener.ation of.QQeene 'Eli~a6e.t.h; how~rewe changed! theyw~rezealous, , but'here is another generation .come in their .'roome, that is dead, and cold, and yet we have their light, but ignis qt~J in illil ea/id!#, in n1hil Jucidf!J l411tttm. -' But,