Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

God affliEls his oume People.: f 13 ------------~----~- But, I befeech you, that you would now begin to ll:irre up your felves,efpecially in thefe times offaft– ing, when there mull: bee an extraordinary renew– ing of a mans covenant with God, that you would not now be focold,and fo dilute as you have beene; and fce'ing youhav~that you would have, anu· ~ave _deftred-long publike dayes of humiliation, th:tt you would labour to fpend them with all care and dili– gence and quickndfe of fpit·ir, and to confider that the maine is ·tobee done at horne with your felves, for the end ofthefe dayes is, that you maybehum· bled, which you will nev~r bee, till you confi<Ier .your particular finnes, get up eady in the morning, .for then your fph·its are quicke,and fo-you will have a loflg time before you come to the congregation; and get you all that white alone, and-confider your. particular finnes, and the holy duties you negleCt, and renew·your repentance, and enter intocovenant; and then whenyou come hithe-r you fhaU ·finde the word to ·have another·man.nerofworking upon you than it hath ordinarily. - : IfGod be thus ready to punilh his own children, . and that'thus fharpdy, it fhewes the finneof thofe r{e 2 ..- that are feareletre and carel\tfeJ whichprovoketh ··GodexceedingIy, Ztteh·4· I 5. I am'Very fore dif- - ,pleafed with the cttrelejfe heathen, the heathens bad finnes enow· bdides to anger ·the ,Lord, yet this finne did it above other -finnes, and it is l)ot to bee wondred at that it fhould,for it is arulein Philcfo · r-pby, and mofl: true, that of all thing's that wl1ich k provoketh aman moll:, is contempt, it1 fo much that ./ ·:· 1 ·':' theonely caufe ofanger,thou~h l ,. - _ therem ~ -~--------~----~----~----~~~---------