Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

11 11" . I \I 'I I I I ') ' it 14 God affliEts his ownt fl'eople. therein he is de~eived, yet it is the maine_; we ufe to faymm refpondereprs con.vitio eft, it is a figne ofcon· tempt not to anfwer againe, as when a man ischid- · den and firicken~ & r!Mre(ptmden t-o goe by,asifhee tooke no notice ofit at Gods hand,this is contempt. , And thus a Father whenhe is angry with his fon, or a Mafier with his fervant, how hainoully dothbee take it! And fo God who now bath difcovered his wrath to the whole Land , and to every particular man in it, this negleCt: of him will caufe his wrath to wax hot, but yetforthe land in gene- · rall weeh~vecaufe to hope that his wrath doth not fo, but that God takes it well at our hands, that we . arc thus publickly atfcmbled : but let mee fay this , taough, to every partic::u~ar ~an, though God [pare the Kingdome, yet if thou neglect him and bee carelelfe, it will goe the worfe with thee how– ever~ In the 50. Pfolme when hee hadexpre:lfed great threatnings in the former verfes; hee con– cludes with this , Co!'fider this, 0 allyu th111 forget God ! you that minde him not , leafl hee te11reyou in peeces, and there'hee none t9 deliveryou : and fo in the Prophet 1eremy ~. u, I 3, r4. verfes , becaufe you fay thAt his wordrArebut wintle, they jhaUhe 114 fire, and 1ou 114 Jrie wood, andtheyjba/l devoNreyQH. This is the great fault ofmen, that they are ready to feare things which they fhould not feare, the creatures, poverty and difcredit, but are backward to feare the Lord. · God fayes of the Church Re'TJ.:.r:. Feare not the things thou foalt foffer; wha.t all the world feares, . that doe not you feare , feare noe the things you {hall