Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

t8 God afftiEfs his owne rpe~ple:. caufe we Rnd this his dealing fet fo clofe together in this P{alme, therefore Iname it. Therefore obferve the waycs of the Lord to you, aGd they t_hat are not acquainted_with thcfe his \Vayes , as. yer in · .themfelves,fee wh;, t he hach done to othe rsinal the world; in our neighbour Churches: when hee. had ' given a bill of divorce to I{r4et, yet Iudah had not Jeared:now when Godhath fhucken ourneighbour I Churches, doeyou thinke he. will take ie well, 1f. we be idle[peCl:ators':'- therefore whenhe haeh lhic- . en another place, Iearne to feare•.. If hee ~ffiiGtSthis ownechildren.thus tbarply_, tet them looke to themfelves, that aren'ot his ;.whether · theyb:cgro!fe fil)ners ·J p:rophane perfons,of whom. · there is no q_uefiion ;. or mcre civill men, .and for– mal profe!fors, in whom there is no power ofgrace: ifheebee thushot again(t his owne Church, his an· ger will bee feven,times·hotter againfi you: it m:1y bee Long_er deferred'as hismanner is , yet when bee !hikes hee wiU fl:rike you in the roote , not in the branches; and that fo as he will not Strikt tht (econd timt : Confider that in the 5o P{alme , that he wiN . ·tear.e ypu i?JpeueJ; and you th.a.tareprop,hane ones, : let mec fay toyou, as I Cor 1 o.lz..• Dot yeu provoke ' tht,Lort/toAnger~ Are you jlronger thanhte,? Thofe - 1 that lye in open prophanenes, and doe fight ·openly ?gainfi the Loid, and have not fo·much as a {hew of turning ;:you and thofe that-are meerelycivill, and yet lye in fecret Gnnes; that yet are in ht'alrh, wealth and credit in the world ~ it is a fig ne that · God me;mes ·them nogood, hete would not.!et his-· 0wne Garden goe fo lo!!lg unplowed. And