Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

--------------------------------~------~ God af~iEls bis owntf'eople. - And in the fecond place fur proferors , that doe _not anfwer their profdlion in their lives, take heed, or hee t-hAt iJ not withmee ;s ~tgainft mee; it may bee 1 chou art no enemie, not very ltirring fn any evill ·i ' 19 way , but becaufe thou art not with God ingood . ·1 earoeft:, becaufcyour hearts are ·not perfect l at the ' l.afi day you will be found agair1!l: him, C H a 1 s T , will come againfi you in goodearnefi as an enemie; - and whereas aUyour hope Iyes, that God is merci– full and CH ft 1 s T a Saviour, learr:eto know that , this le{m, whom you hope ro bee faved by , will · prove the lharpell: enemie again!l: you, K ijfe tkt Son 1 IeO hee Gee 1mgr1: th~Sonne may bee angry, as hee who ipRevel. z. h~tth hueyes likeajiAmt offire , and . his futt ltfe .finebrlljfoto tread you to powder; bee lhall comBagainfi you that are formall: and know, that Iefus Chrill: is not onely a Saviour, but a Lord; - "' that he ca,me into the world to be a Prince, and·the gBvtrnment j6 upon hu fh9plders; you forget that part ofhis offic~,hiilftheend for which Chriitcame in– eo the world, and ifyou would know what kind of Governor he is.Ex.23.2 1 .JwilfmdmyangelwfthyDf! (faith God) that is Chrifi, Gewau ofhim>Andoley hu v1yce,&provoke ltimmt-,formyname i4 in him .. he is pf the fame fpiritand difpoficionwithhis Farher, and) · th~y are both alike affected to finne;beware .ofhim, he goes along with you, and he will not fpareyou, · fortheLord hath ·put a1 the government upon him. Let ir not feeme firange, that he hath or lhould r{e4• deale thus wi~h his Churches abroad; what though the -Candlelhckehe removed but of the p,cJ4tin~tte, becaufe they were.luke-warme, an'!falnefrom thtir .. C 2 • firfl . ...._