Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Gods ,[ompJ]Sion, to f,,i.J .peoplei~ afjliftion. 11 chine had need to bee added to the former. Now the reafons and demonfirations of t.his . are thr~e. _ Becaufe he i$exceeding flow to afiLet, and~,,x~ 1 • ceeding long about ir, ere he do'6 begin, and there. fore he makes many o~ers ~funbefore h~ doe~ it, 1 as one that co~ald finde m hts heart not to doe It at _all. Pfll. 78. 38. It is faid, beebeingfull ofcflmpaf fiotJ f~rgavt theirilliqnity, yeA mAnyatime dui hucAll b~tcke hu anger: when his band wa·s up,and he gi– ving the blowe, heecalled it backeagaine, as one that could not finde inhis heart todoe it; arid when bee did it , hee did n8t flirre "P tt!l hil wrath; bee let fall fome droppes of it , but would not lhed the whole fhower of it ; and bee give~h the reafonof both, for they Are but ftefh; and indeedhis primary {cope is to fhew mercy, and that heeaffiiets, isbut upon occafion ; and therefore bee is provokee , and provoked much before hee cloth it ; As theBee to gi\'e bony, itis narurall to ir, but it !Hogs but by oc– cafion when it is provo_-ked; and this wee feetobee x ' true in GoD by experience, who fuffers men, and . ·· futfers them long, they continue i_n their .finn"s, and . yet hee continues his mercies, and with-holdshis , Judgements. . His compaffion is iliewn in fufieyning them in their affiiet~ons,and ifl helpingth~m in :the mid'fi of -I ~ them,Damel 11. 33• 3.4· whenhtspeoplejhou/dfa/1 by theSw~rd,Andby thejlame &c. it is faid they fhoutd beeholpen with A little htlpe, tharis,fomuch ,as would · (ufiaine them , beare them up : the ·like wrehave ',. Za&h.13. 9· 1 will bring athirdpartthroNghthefirt, t· _ - C 3 · and . ·