Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

20 Gods [ompa[Sion, to bupeople inaffliCtion. firft love? wh:n if he iliould doe it in France ?\•what if in England,? in the Low. co1#Jtries ? lhould it feeme £\rang~ to us ~ . It is His.manner fo todoe j Hee re– moved Iu.dAh and Itm{alem often out of their pL·· ces; .wee lhould not b:e offended at it, ifhce doth;, ~· or.ifhee fhould doe: thus wich us,·as thinking that it is a fig ne th:lt ouroreligion is not the true religion ·, and that hee do.:h not lovehis Churches; yes rhofe hee loves mofl:. hee foonefl affiicrs, for Ir~dgt1?1tlit mu.ft hegin at the bou[e ofGod, that is, hee Iookes on all che world, as on Enrope now, and where befeerh his houfe is) there he·e beginneth·with them; for,hee is to u[e others toaffiict them; and therefore he be– ginneswith th.:m firfl:. Amor. z.z. ToN ·hAve I knowne of.all the Natiom, therefore wiO I ajjltfl yrm foonefi and frequent lieCl:, -though not tnore deeply than o· thers; .fur though the Church be~ brought under water, yet ihee f1ull rife ag<Jine. l fpeeke this, be– caufe men are beoffended -at it, And Bel– tarmine l rC'member, makes that anargument, that rhcirs is the Cburch..;becaufe they httve hi d fo m:1ny vietoric:s ag+Iinfi the Proreflan:s., anJ our-· <2hvlrch 1 bath bin ever ~ndanon downe, but by that argu;. ment the cap:iviry f11ould not have Hglued upon lud~~.h·s, buwponNebuchadmz.zars people. D [J The fecond DoCi.rine was, thJt fhotJgh God(end . 0 · 2 • very j1Mrpe afft,c1iuns upon his ownepeople, yet therein hi! .kindmf!e and comp4]fto.rJs are .excerding great to– wards. them .: he cals them you fee here, my people, : as if he i11ould have faid, . you are mhe, and I can. n0· forger you ;-a n1an loves that which is hi-; owne, much more GodJ· who is all Jove. And this ~Do chine