Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

- - - ' God's ( ompa[Sion-,to his people in afftiClifJn; 1.3 - ftantiall difquiet, heecame to himfelfe{lgJine. To this pwrpofe let the Pfolme 129. 3,4-. beecompar(ld wirh the former; G o D compares there the afllCl:– ers ofhis people topl~wersfit to plow his ground 1 (the BAhylonians and all the other ene~ies were but _Gods plowers) now they fbould not doe it, a_s to doe themanyhurt, no more than fbr his advantage ~ and hisChurches, they lhouldnot goe a foote fur– - rher, for thenGod cuts their ciJrds info11derl and.w.hen the traces are cut, then the plow fiands fiill~goes l· i , not a jot further, let the horfcs doe what they wiU.: . . i ~ The fecond ~ayoffuftaining them is, ittth~.rpe, .: ·. · -i ,'' , fo fafhioneth thetr hearts, as they fhall be able we:W - to beare it.; and then though it be great, ifthey h~_ve · , firength tobeare it, it is the Ielfe ; Agreat burthen · .·. · on·a ltrongmans ihoulders, is no more than a fmall one onaweake mans. Wee oft wonder that G o D lho1.1ld .Jay fo great affiiCt:ions on his children, but ..... ' wee doe not fee their inward firength and ability they have tobe.are them. -.. _ .... . Now firft he faihioneth their hearts to pray, and Jt , not to murmurc, alld the greatefi affiietion it is no. ·· thing ifthcy can but pray; in R1m.8.26. that is one comfort brought in among the refr, that fweetneth our affiietions, that the Spirit helpeth our i11jirmilies, and teacheth us topray• .He frameth their hearts to rep~nt, and that they ~ thould not ftnne againfr him , anel if ftnne beenot mingledwith an affiiction, it is not bitter, if agood confcience bee joyned with it: for then it is heavie, when it falls upon t~e lhoulder out of joym, or up- · on the fore place, arid thereforeS. Pttttl he carednot· . C 4 for, ' f > • . ' . r