Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

24 _ \ Gods [ompa(lion, to hispeople in affli8ion. l tor death or the prifon, becaufe hee had a cleare con(cience, all his-affliCtions were nothing: to-him, for hee bare them with a whole flnulder ; finne . wound'; the fo·Jle, .and' then affiict:ion dropped·, caufet~ fma.rt. : : Hee frames their hearts to plrience:, and fo that .3· keepes their fpiric whole, [o as they poffe{fe their foules, and themfelves : as on tha contrary impa~ tienee takes the foule off the hinges, puts it out of ·it fdfe : buc whileft a mans fpiric is.H:rong and it felfe, it will beare i'rs infirmities, but when impa. · tienr, it will beare nothing ; when thereforeaffii. Ctions are thus mingled with prayers, and repcn· cance,and agood conlcience and patience, it is-eafie eo beare the[ll;, and it is G.:>d mingles their cup thus. And as Chrifr faid, -fh~/1' not I drinke of the Cup whi&h my- F~tther hath~JJJgled ? alt40blg.h.the-cup·' bebitter, yenhe ingredients he put~· in it, makes ic fweete, Godmingles acup ta:_them.ih another man· , ner ~e &~~maRQ roothers ; See how hee mingled a l aup to v!'hitophel, ic was no great thing in it felfe,it ~~ Was hut that difpar~geme~t in the rejeC!ion of his I . counfell, yet fucl-1 an mgredtent was put m, fuch an ·i apprehen£i0nby Gods ~rovidence(fortho'Jgh God ! was not the author of 1t, yet he,uffered Sathan to I doe ic) as th1t it brake his heart,ao..d be haHged him– ! felfe. ·See the contrarY_ in Da'f!i~, when Ziglagw'as ! burnt>a great and [uddame affitchon, yet hee bare it well, for he had comforr from the Lord-, an ingrc· diem with it which encouragedhim in God; and fo · when he £kd beforeAbf"lombis own fonrie., agreat and bitter afRiCtion, yet he bareit with fuch,a,mind, as