Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

( Gods [ompafSion, te b~ p1ople i·n affiiElio.n. 15 as ifhe had beene in his bed afleepe, as appearesby ' the third P(almt>which was made upon that occafi- .on:, when renoe thoufand were encamped againR him ; yet hee feared no more, then ifhe had had ne– ver an enemy in the world. I will lay mte downe a11d jleepe, &t. · ; , ThirdJy, his compaffion is fuewn in bringing 3• ' them through, and giving them a good iffue and comfortable fruit of all ; as appeares by that place ofZacha.I3· 9• Heect1rrie~ t~emthroughthe fire, and fined them thereby as Gold, led them out, and caufed them to lofe nothing but their drolfej or as ·the Wheat lofeth nothing in the winnowing, but , the chaffe. ·There is an excellent place for this . purpofe in Efay "7'· 8. .In meafure in thehvmches ,' thereof thmt wilt d'ebate with it (fo fome read it.) God promifethin the formerpartthat-IfraeUho.uld grow like a fruitfull tree, and fl:ourifh ; and though ne affiitl:ed them> yet it fhould not be fo, as heeaf– liideth others, hath hee fiuitten him, as he fmote thofe [mote him ~ no, hce fmote them in the : root, but him in the branches, he lhould grow· ·the more by it-; Cod compar.eshirofelfetoaman that lopperh histree,but medleth not with the root or bo.dy of the tree, ·hut with the brartches onely, and that jufi: fo farre as needewas, and where they ._.r . fhould bee cut, and that in fe.afon, and at the jull: :~ : .. tirneJ that it may grow the more ;.for this is to doe 'it ·in meafure: and rhis .is no more rhan necelfary to 'makethetreefhootthemore ;andic werefpoyled,. . if bee did not deale thus with it. Now hee fmites ,others at fuc{l a time) as they are moO: unfit fQ~~ !t, andi l ~ ----------------------------------~--~