Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

1 g Gods .[WJpafoon., to biJ ptople in-ajfliElion. lo objel1. They are a pcdpte tailedby hisname .: as hee hath chofen them to bee his, to ic is taken notice of that they are his,and he hath owned chem,his name is upon themby profeffion, and therefore hee will !pare them, for hit namefake, becaule of them that fi:and byand take notice of them : for ifhee1hould deale hardly·with them, none would ferve him; for when ·fervancs are hardly dealt withall, who will fcrve fuch,mall:ers -: And this argument Mo[ts u[es,Num~.14. !Lordfl4rtthem (fayes he) and ifit · be, but for thy Namesfalee, for what wiUalltheNati– ·Ons fay ? that either thou art fuch a God as arc unkind, and ·wouldeft not fave them 0 or a weake God, and conldelt 1-10t~ But you will fay, weefeethecontraryby daily :experienc~, wee fee 1 great and fore affiietions befall Gods people,yea, it may bee fome hereofhis will fay, they have felt and tafted ofgreat affiicrions. Anfw. I anfwer, youmay·mifi:ake inafHietions, they . are notalwayes fuch affiictions as they feeme tobe: for as we fay of the Sunne, Sol non p~ttitur tclipjin, - fed videtur tant~m p~tti, the Sunne keepes his light even in eclipfes firme and cleare, fo often thofeaf. flictions which you thinke great, a~;e nGthingat all . in themfelves, they feeme fo to us onely : fo the Apoflle, 2. C~r.6. wee feemetobeemenforrowfull, . yet alwaic:s rejoycing, feeme to bepoore, but pof .. . feffing all things, all was nothing to Paul :foraf– . fli6lion lyes ondy in the apprehenfion, and fo ma· oy .of thofegrievous afHiC{ions and tortures which - Martyrs and the Children of God endured though t() us they feeme grear, yet I am per4waded were nothing to many ofthem. But