Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Gods [ompafoon, tt~·hi<l pGople in affiJElion; ,. 29} But thouwilt fay, this is not my cafe; I feele, .I 1 ohjdf. am fure the fiing ofit• . I anfwer thec-,firfi,that God Iay.cts it not on.thee, Anfw. tilhhou hall neede: the Phyfttian knowes the body of the patient better than,himfelfe,.. and.the fou:e . harh more intricate difeafes·than the body~and bee fees thy fc-crct .pride;fecurity, &c. it ma-y be when -thou feefi them not, as Hezek.iah did not ; for hat · ·when thou fedl: no reafonof fuchailiarpe affliction ·as purging phyficke fo r thee, he dorh·and does not · ·adminifl:erit but when there-is neecl. And fecondly, he cloth not goc a jot beyond-i hy · need; and this will appeare by the openingoftwo . ~ . ehxcellent ftmilitudcfis,dE[ay 2b8 • .(for all the wits in ~ . . t e world cannot n eout ctterexpnffions than the Word hath ;~if we had ey ~s to fee.the glory of ' them ).fromthe14iverfedowneward ; .Flrlt,doth ' the Plowman pluw·aO day to[owe I andopm and breake ~ the clods of hisgreu-nd, ·when beehA th made p!aine the face thereof? doth he not caft ahnJad·thefetches? (cat– terthe cummin; the wbettt, A»dthe rie ? fir Jhe L.ord. hath injlruCiedhim to doe fo. The imsbandman hee tells you) plowes ombut where he _meaoes to fowe, . . and tO>have an harveft, and the plowe goes no lon– ger then till the clods be brokcn>a-nd fayes he,Gcd , ,harh given him this difcretion; andthen~~ore l11 J11 J not God ha'\l'ethe·fame andufethe fame h1mfdfe ~ doe!hhou thinke that thouart plowed longen hen ' .thouneedea~ it is Hut till the clods, thy fiiffe fpirit bee broken ; and whereas thou maiefl: thinke chy heart foftenough:, it mayhe fo for fome grace,but God hath{eeds of all forts tO caft in the wheat ·\ _ and ----~,--------~~-=~~~~----~--------. ~