Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Gods comp tj?io,n, to his people !n affliElion. J..... ~ t , . For ar~ fwer,it is tr~e,thofe Deluges of affi :a::ons \...Anjw. which over~whe.Ime whole C"untries take away one as w.ell as another, yet ther. i_s a qifference, as Ier. 24. all were c~uried into the fame c2ptiviry ! hy the fame I<, but yet they we re carried indi· ; vers baskets, the bad in one basker, thegood in an- ; other; which fhewcs theconditionof _the one was - . 1 different from the other : Firft, the Lord knowes l theg4odfigs, his ey,es a:e ~1pon them for good, to l fee r,h~t no pun fhol!ld befall them, was hurr indc:ed; and fecondly, againe he.di dibut fend them · ·- I intoCaptivity, as one is fent of an errand, bur rhe other are led as a .condemned man-to the jaile; :thirdly, bee would bri~g th_em .againe, whenrthey I had done the b:.dindfe for whic~ they ·were.fenr, I when they had humbledt~emfelves, fanetified his name more ; many the hke ~nds ,the Lord hath: · but the other he ~tterly ddl:royed 3 and theynever \ .returned. , 1 But will fome-Jay, the affiiClions-·tllilt':lendure o6jetl. i are·ofanexrraordin;1ry ~arure, rpe.ver any waslo·af. ' I flitted as l ( .as the mallner <:>f m:tniSt_to complaine) there is a peculiatity in. min~, -and it is1not one but f ! 1 many,- and -thefe for a long_eime-have·layen upon( mee. ,. ' I . I anfwer, itis true, ;~ey are ofte·nof an_extraor- \Anfw. ~ dmary narure,and there 1sgood .re.afon1for it j for a · fmall afH ictionwouldnot.bring~heehome to·God) it is not a litdehead-acb, a fcratch wirh a p:nthar . dtives a nnn tothe Phylitian;hut rucha<\ifeafe as a .man apprehend.s ,death,in,makes a man feeke out for ; ·hdpe: and the r~afon ,wby;firft,thefe afflitl:ions are ~ . _ . _ . many! I