Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

lj God~ [ompaftirm_,tohis ptople in afflitlion. and the rie ; and that ground which is (oft enough for one, is not for another• . And againe, fecondly when it comes to hafveff, to fome maturity,hehath ro rhreili it with divers kinde of infi:ruments (which is the fecond fimilitude) ver. 27. The Fitcbes·are. . not thre/hed with A tbre{hing inftrsmmt, neither u tbe Cart wheele turned about upon the Cummin, but they are beAten out with aflafft and arod ; but breadcorne,. wheat is brui[td with the wheele, becaufe~ee fuould not alwaies bee thrdhing it. So God beholdeth every mans llrength, and knowes what affiiClion is moft fui,table for him, he fiodes'out a fit infi:rument for every graine s his end is but to drive thee out of .the huske of thy circumcifion, of fomc lufi:s whe-r. of fome ftcs more dofe to the heart then.-o:her: and as the wheat and the huske fits clofer together than in other graines,and therefore the wheele goes over ir, and when ids thrcilied enough, and God hath unloofed the heart and the finne, the huske and the wheate, he cloth it no longer: now faies he, . thi5 ilfrom the Lord, whtJ iJ wonderf~~oUin counfeUand exceUent inworking ; arid therefore as when you fee ' an. husbandmap doefo with his ground and gtaine, you judge him a wife m1n in doing fo, f<6alfo is God therein. . · otjel1. But you.will fay, for all thefegood words and .fetcing it forth thus> weeare fu_re, and fee and feele ' • I by experience, tli;lat the Saints alwaies fare as ill as rhe worfi:, when generall affiictions ~come~ plague, , fworcl, orcaptivity, theyarefweptawayby~thefe · as well as others, and wh1t affiid:ions are there, goe through the fonnes of men, that fall not upon the Saints as weH _aSJlQ.OO othc~s_? For,