Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

l}oJs -Compaftion, . to 1Jis people in affliRion. , .37 make -him fo, G·o D loves for no merits, which iliould teach us to l0oke our of our felves, leife into out; hearts in this cafe, and more to the Attributes of God, to returne in /enmy 3. God fayes there, It is true -indec:d, that if you come to any n1aninthe ' world when his wife hath played the harlot, willr hee reGeive her againe ~ no, a mans heart in this cafe·cannot relent, ·hee hath not mercy enough , his heart is too narrow, But thou hlljt played the harlot many A dme, .yet returne to mee, faith G o D' ; ( for looke how much larger Gods heart is then a mans, fo- mtich larger a_rc .his mercies. If God bee thus exceeding mercifu11 and pitti- rfe~ full , ' ·this lhouldlcade men to repentance: .there 1s that in the thing thadeadesyou , fo Romans.! •4· when eitrher <;Jod ·exprelfeth his mercies towards ' us by his·behaviour and mercifull dealings with us, or caufeth his Minifiers to offer mercies unto us, it leades to repentance,. It hath i~dee.dacontrary ef· , feet almoft in all in the world i ·for w:hom doe not . God~ mercies leadefrom him'racherthentohim ~ - but~ke hee~e lefiyouturne ~,he ·~raceofGodint~wAn· . ton11¥[e, ·wluchyetmen ardmauly doe• .The more favoilt., the more meanes they have enjoyed, the . ( more \vanton they grow, that· is, the more bold, loLing their refpeet to God ; even as achild is apt to doe when his father carries himfelfe kinde to- · wards him, he cann-ot beare it, be hath not the diG \ cretion to confider, tl,lat it fhould leadeh~m to obe· dience, but growe-s bold and wanton. And you. I !hould alfo make this ufe ofmercies,' that the meditations of them fhould ftirre up your hearts to a ' D3 more '