Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

18 Gods cempaf!on, to his peoplt in afjliElion. · more kindlyforrow for your finnes, to thinke that , youhavedeferved eo. bee cut offlungagoe,and that "you havecommitted fuch finnes , for whichmany · are in hell long fince. God expects this at yolili· hands; and'let us make this_ uieof it in thefe dayes of humiliation, the maine worke whereof is to humble your felves; andweeare to labour to·aum– bleyou,not onlybydenouncing Gods judgements, . but byex-preffions ofhis mercifls alfo. LAdigrefiot~ concerning Fttjl!111g t1 , the oe:cAfion. ' THere is a-double manner of doing this durie, one wholly publick, which iliould ,bee from morning till night in publike by: 'the· whole land, . ·that all together might confelfe and humble them~ fel.ves for the finoes .ofit;~ which is.more extraordi· nary. But fecondly, as for thefe dayes which are kept from weeke .to.weeke thus, it is.well ordered, that the time is.Jo lirnited ' for th€fe publickexer– cifes,as that there is time lefcf~r theprivare: for the· bulinelfe of plrticular humiliation goes.forward ' better.then, and thelcpubUckeexercifes tendbut to that end, .and what is the mcanes without rhe end be attained~ that is., that e.ver.y manjhouldmourne .tpart : fo Zach.z2.whenit was a bufiFleffe ofmourning, e-. very family did ,it apttrt, and the wives 4part : the wife and the husband are the nearell:, al'ld if any., P1ouldbee togcthe1·, one would thinke they 01ould) · and yet they mull: bee then apart : and the reafon is, l hecaufe nothing humbleth fo much as finnes ·