Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

~'----~--~~~~" ~--~~~~~~~-- 49 Oods (~mpafJion) ~o huptople inaffti"Elion. bee willing eo leave rhofe good earnefi, and to : perfonp,~ thoCeduties.;.and wheathe-he-art is byatf~-d at'l~ W:ay, ,it:is no eafie ma~rer to get 8n inward- w~llingn,effe. ; YDU mtln therefore have much reaConiog :with yourheartsto bring them to : it. Fifthly, 'YlJeri.tbey ~re into agood tern- . per, they a_r~ . eafily Ju_bjed_ to beedifl:ernpere-da· gaine .; our affections ihoote too farre .into worldly ·oufioeffes .: your Iove,your feare,your grie(e is fub- · jetttobeeto9 much in fomething, and it is_notea– fie to bring thefopl~ back~againe ;i you mutt there·– fore takeagre~t dcaleQfpaines with your hearts. · .1 Th:it which is faid of Miniil:ers, fuUones anima- · I rum, fullers~ ofm~ns foules; .that is.every-.mari n@w tobe himfelfe, to wafh out thefl:aines.of: his hearr- 1 . andjto·trlake -hi~ fqule whitet) is, -nan. ·I n ·ahd . thaf' will ~ove God either not tob>ring..affii&ions, _ · or to remove them : and thereforecltnft jour·htarts ftDPI AllpoUnti1n pf ftejb ~ndf}, an~ know that to gf!'t fiaines 6£ ad~epedie·ou.t: .~ill coftagreat deale of paines, you mu~[__(coure till your ft:mle$ ake a. · ga~nc:, . a~d though it caufe tfu~skinnetocomeoff,· an~ ifypu;~o th~ ,worke thus; andplow yolir .owne hearts,.,God lh<;do6-it by affiit{ions ; tllere~or.e' doe it,- ~nd"give not o-:ver dll you I haye don~ it, !and-haye b·rought your hea-ns to . be t_hrol:lghly humbled forrtQt:lUj. f01<that isa great meanes t0 doe it~, W~t. meaning of ;cha~ in: lames 4•, cle!Jft yow~tar{s yeofi!mei's.j &;, ' ~ut how fl10~1ld we doe i,t_, 1 wouldfome'fa'y ~ affti/J · your{elves andmof!rne, .ani. let your ./aught'erhe tt~r»ed into : he _c;:om~nt tq~c alp·n.e, ·ge_t out of : . / c; -company, . ·-=-· i ...·. . ~ ~ .. --· -·~ -- . -"·" .( - ·'· - - -·