Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

,Gods compptfljon}to /,is people in af~iBion-. . l9 'Unnes,thofewouad the h~art, which in publicke are not fo much confdfed, but in generall-onely; but when you are every one in private, thenyoumay cottfider what your lull:s, your actions have beene, and the circumfl:ances~ of them; then you may . fearch your ·hearrs~nd wayes, looke backe and re– fleet upon your felvcs; and that is the maine bufi.. neffe and duties of thefe dayes. Some of you it may bee , will fay ; I know not how to fpendmy· time in private, when I am from the Church : but: confider, haft thou not committed many finnes ~ contider them , canft thou not fpeake and confeife ' them c: and fay, Lord I confetfe I have fallen backe 'into thisagaine and againe~ Butfecondly when you aYe done this, feeke reconciliation and beg it ear- .nell:ly, which the heart will doe when it is t.oucheq. with the fence of finne, and the enumeration of them will worke your hearts to it ; when you fee the multitudes,thecircumfi:aaces, the aggravations of them; and becaufe this is the greatell: of all your requefis, therefore you mull bee the moll: earneft in ~ it; and therefore God_doth purpofdy with·hold . alfurance often , to teach men , what it is to bee re- · conciled to him 3 and falling fer~es to intend your ....--; prayers, that they may be the more earneft. Third- . ly renew your covenants alfo, confiderwhat finnes you are moll: inclined to , and what occalions draw you moft to thofe ftnnes , and vow again!l: them. Confider what ·good dueties you have £lighted , moft, and that your h1arts are moll: apt to faile in.; and promife better obedience. ;Feurthly,not onely makeapromife, but labour tobring yout'hea1ts te · D 4 be (