Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

-- 41 L Go~'s [ompaftion,to bisptople in ,affli8ion. when hee comes to yeares ofdifcretion, and to bee , mafier of himfelfe, advifeth with himfdfe what courfe h~fhould take, whether he fhould ferve God or the world. Now all the Saints of God have ' made this difiinet choyce; wee wiH ferve the Lord, and goe to no other. uwo[ts whenboth flood be- - fore him, the pleafurcs of lEgypt on the one hand, and God and his people with their affiietions on the other, hee chofe the latter before the former, Heb.I 1.1.5. So Davidfayth he did, I have chofen ~ the WAJ of truth, thy ludgements have I lAidhefore mee, Pfol.II9· JO• for to chufe, is, when a thing !yes before a man, and he confiders and takes it. So I 1[bua, lAndm1 h6u{ewi,D{erfle the Lord. Now I exhort you, that feeing-you are to make fome choyce, that feeing God is fuch a God, fo exce,eding mercifull, that you would make this choyce, let him be your God ; for what moves aman tomake . choyce of on courfe of life rather then another tt ' the ground of it is fome happindfe that he feekes -: when men confider what makes moR for their happindfe, that they will chufe. Now ifmea were perfwaded that to chufe God were the bell: way for happineffe, they could not \ but chufe him l and furely if God be fo exceedi~ kind and mercifull aGod, their chiefell: happine e . cannot but be found in him alone; and furely there · is no husband, no friend fo loving as he, no father • .. fo kiade 45 he, fotender hearted ; hee goes beyond .1ll the fonnes of fi!en,. f,n love and tendernefi'"e and kindnelfe : for ifthere be any kindneae in any man or woman, the LQrd bath put it in him. Thatna.., turail --