Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Gods compajion, to his people in -affliElion. 4; turall s"Of)tn and affeCtion in Parents, ; &c. is not a drop to that Ocean, not as abeame to the Sunne, to what is in him; And ifchekindneife in them bean excellency,then furelyic is iq him; .And if rhe Lord hath commanded us to be amiable, and f-ull f)f lmv'-1 eUs t-ndgoDdnejfe, andtAjie to he entreated, as being a part of that his image, and ttlat holy frame of heart which oughc to us., js it not tht''nmuch more in himfelfe -: but that I may not urge a bare exhortationwithout fome realon ; Confider how mc:rci· full the Lord bath beenetous,and how gracious he .is to them that make choyce of him: for firft hee giveth them the comfort of his prefence, and there ·. is no comfort like that. For joy and'comfort is no– thing elfe but the agreeableneffe of a thing to a .mans minde, ApplicAtil CQnvenieHfU convenient; : -~ Now thefe is nothing that better agreeth with mans minde then the pt:'efence aQd face of God; for ·. ;Jufts and pleafures are the difeafes of the foule, and– the pleafures that agree to them are the defiruetion . _of it. Beftd·es, wh~n thou art reconciled ro him, thou art out of aHdebt and danger, bee·will fer tby foule at refi,Jhat wasrefrleff~ before ; And befir;Ies .when thou haft theLord to be thy God, thou hall one to whom thma maydl: goe, ·and unbofome thy 1elfc, to:tdvi(ewithaH, whenthoucan!l:notgoero . · any in the world ; one thou maifl: fetch comfort from when thou feeft no comfort rio·where elfe; thou maifi runne-to him as to a refuge, when thou art-overwhelmed with oppofitions, flJnders and ill reports ; and befides all this, and the glory which we iliall have in heaven, confider what there is rhat · thy . ...