Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

I~ 1\: · · Tbe Lords Name is caOed.uponbkpetJple. for[ake hlrn. . And if ·any ilit»lld·obj-e&and fay, 1· am a finfull wretch,a:n unfit march for-hirn i Con-· fid~.r that yet beinghis, he·will cover your-imper– fe~ions -with his .righ~eoufneffc, a' a ·man covers his fares from the viewof0thers; andhe will waili · yon. from .your. corruptions. -:As if a man have a ·fore arme, he.dothnooonlycoverit, butalfo wafh..- ~th ir,aod heales it,b.ecaufe it is amember ofhis·f· So fayth the Apofile there, he~ hath wa{hedhis· Chr~rch with hi4owne 6/o_ud.- And this-the -AplijlteSaimPaut. talletp:a great : as if hee had fayd, great d1ings arenow revealed thetei'n to you, and.worth your ~onfidering : why therefore fhould ·· we not gi,ve up o-ur fclves to hi~ . <? ..a wif~ may object a– 'gainft ~erhusband andJay,another 0neshusband is morc·wife, more kind, ·but thohcanft fay nothing againll: him._Confider this, and let it not only be as a notioa·in your he~ds, butlet it finke -down intoyour \ hearts ,,:_Anp let the Nameof t~e Lor~ riot onely· , b~ ; upon y.ou; but alfo in you. As '\ve baveif1n ., Exof1.23.1.I. fpokenoftheAngeUchatwentwith them in the wilderneffe ~ My-Ndme·him. Mt not onely upon himj'fothat he:is'nQt only calleq myAt1geU, qut my Name i5f a.lfo'in mm, that . is,_.he isJo aff.e&ed as I am,. h~ hates·Gnne as ldo-e, and thereforewill punilh it in ~you, and-loves what is good as I doe. So let the Lords Narnebe·in yo~,that is)labour tobe of.the:fame mincearid<lif-:· poftcipn-t-h<Jt.Godis of,to ha<ye:4 ~eart i/)fter<~ii httrt, ' to be-affed:ed as hej s)·lab-d.Ni:.t:o be·thm.minde'J, and ' you thall be theGlory of the;Lord~ as tl1e wife i?the · g/gry of her.husb4nd, as lhee is calleg; z Cor. -u. 7· ;_ becauft .;