Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

.The L6rtls 'Name ucaOed upon his;people~ 53 · becaufe when ihee behaves ~her felfe wifely and · · vertuoufly, · thofe that fee ·her doe commend her · husband : Therefore fo ·behave thy felfe in the · world, fo fhew thy felfe like thy husband, that tho~t>ee his Glory~'· foewjerth the vertues1{ Chrijl, as the \.ApDfile bath it in · 1 Peter 2. 9· A man mufr lobehave himfelfe,as the Imageof God may appeare in him ; and then he fhall be hisglory, as a wife #when file carriesher felfe as the image ofher . _, """"'". husband, fo as hiswifedome and vertuc:s appeare in ~""'_ her, then the is his glory. Confider this{erioufly; you are calledby Gods Name ; ifyou make this ·but an empty title, then you lhall have but an emp· ty benefit by it: but if in earneft you cleavetohim, and follow·him, then-he·is y<Ours and you his, and all that- is his isyours. If at anytim~you finne aga'infl: God, this lhould Yfe ~. be a great mot1ve to humbleyour felves the more, that you iliould fia againft him whofe Nameyou beare, to whomthou haft given up thyname, a-ud i made a vow and promife to obey him. Thi1s· learrte toaggravateyoudiolor it clothaggravare it·. ~od thisufe·alfoI makefor theday. Thereis adou~ · ble humiliation·; one comes·from felfe love, and that fometimes-makes way for grace, but isnot grace : but there is another that comes frem a ten· y der atfetl:ionand love to: God and Chrift; for when . amanloves one,he defires to pleafehim,and there• fore when hee-difpleafeth him,. it grieveth him: And this ·isfuch a humiliation, ·as is requiredofus . onthefedaysofFafting,- therefore labour to worke · your hearts tothis. · E..3